Programs and Services

Enterprised-Based Programs are training programs being implemented within companies / firms.

Mandatory registration of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs with TESDA.

Assessment and certification of the competencies of the middle-level skilled workers through PTQCS.


TESDA Quezon Transfers to New Site

Posted by mrwiseguy187

TESDA Quezon Provincial Director Rhose Amazona announced the transfer of their office from WEC Bldg, Hermana Fausta St. Lucena City to the 2nd Floor, Lucena Grand Terminal1, Diversion Road, Barangay Ilayang Dupay, Lucena City effective September 15.   The transfer hopes to provide more efficient and timely delivery of TESD services to its clients.  The new provincial office is very accessible to clients coming from other areas.  The Grand Terminal also houses other government agencies in the province.

All clients will be served at the their new office. 

Barangay Kanluran, Sta. Rosa City is the new venue of the Mobile Training Bus Plus.  According to TESDA Laguna Provincial Director Al Arriola, the program will start on September 26 with the following courses: Cellphone Repair, Computer Hardware Servicing, Mechatronics, Sheet Metal Arc Welding, Beauty Care, and Massage Therapy.  The mobile training progam, a pet project of Secretary Joel Villanueva will train a total of 157 youths and unemployed adults.  


TESDA 4A and Dep Ed 4A Prepare for K-12

Posted by mrwiseguy187

Series of consultations  with the two agencies are being held to lay the groundwork for the full implementation of K-12 in 2016.  Together with the representatives of the tech voc institutions (TVIs)  and School Division Superintendents (SDS) in the region,  a draft Memorandum of Agreement was formulated which defines the roles of the Senior High School and the TVI Partner.  This Monday,  Sept 22  a meeting with the officers of TVIs and presidents of private and public high school associations, will be held at TESDA 4A Regional Office in Taguig to finalize the provisions of the MOA.

Ms. Jessica P. Mirable of Sisters of Mary Technical School in Cavite and Karlos Emmanjuel A. Buted of Lyceum of the Philippines-Batangas will join other youths who will represent the country in the ASEAN Skills Competition in Hanoi, Vietnam from October 19-28, 2014.  Jessica  and Karlos Emmanuel will compete in the Fashion Technology and Restaurant Services respectively.  Ms. Mary Roque of TESDA serves as Jessica's coach-expert assisted by Ms. Carmen  J. Ponce of Sisters of Mary.  Karlos Emmanuel is coached by his father, Dr. Dexter A. Buted of Lyceum Batangas.


Search for 2014 TESDA 4A Outstanding Trainers

Posted by mrwiseguy187

The search is now on for the 2014 Outstanding Trainers for public and private technical vocational institutions.  The Trainers Award is given  in recognition of the outstanding performance and commitment of tech voc instructors in developing skilled workers with positive work values.

Last year's Outstanding Trainers Awardees are:  Francia Yvette A. Magpantay of University of Batangas and Francis Carlo T. Argente of TESDA RTC Batangas.
