Transparency Seal
A pearl buried inside a tightly-shut shell is practically worthless. Government information is a pearl, meant to be shared with the public in order to maximize its inherent value. The Transparency Seal, depicted by a pearl shining out of an open shell, is a symbol of a policy shift towards openness in access to government information. On the one hand, it hopes to inspire Filipinos in the civil service to be more open to citizen engagement; on the other, to invite the Filipino citizenry to exercise their right to participate in governance.
This initiative is envisioned as a step in the right direction towards solidifying the position of the Philippines as the Pearl of the Orient a shining example for democratic virtue in the region.
Compliant with Sec. 91 (Transparency Seal)
To enhance transparency and enforce accountability, all agencies of the government shall maintain a Transparency Seal to be posted on their websites. The Transparency Seal shall contain the following:
iii. Approved Budgets and Corresponding Targets
iv. Major Programs and Projects Classified According to Five Key Result Areas.
v. Program/projects beneficiaries as identified in the applicable special provisions
vi. Status of implementation of the said program/project evaluation and/or assessment reports
vii. Procurement Plans, Reports and Compliance
viii. Citizen's Charter
x. TESDA Additional Transparency Compliance