TESDA IV-A (CALABARZON) completes Contact Tracing training
In response to the TESDA Director General Secretary Isidro S. Lapeña’s directive to contribute to the fast healing of the country in the existing pandemic, TESDA IV-A (CALABARZON), through its TESDA Region IV-A-Academy for Learning Facilitators (TR4A-ALFa) conducted a 10-day Multiplier Training on Barangay Health Services NC II with Contact Tracing from October 5-16, 2020.
The training aims to develop individuals capable in the area of health care to assist in the current health situation. It will teach participants to develop Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) and a Session Plan for Barangay Health Services NC II and Contact Tracing NC II, which may be useful in the registration and offering of these programs in the Technical Vocational Institutions and in TESDA-Administered Schools, as well as accreditation of these qualifications in the Assessment Centers.
The participants were trained by competent trainors from Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades, who shared their knowledge and learnings in the previous Regional Lead Trainers training they have attended, hosted by the TESDA-Central Office.
During the program’s opening meeting on October 5, 2020 via video conferencing, the TESDA IV-A Regional Director Toni June A. Tamayo expressed a welcome message for the participants. He recognized the enthusiasm and drive of the trainees and shared that they will soon be appreciated frontliners which will help aid the country especially during this pandemic times.
The participants were divided into five (5) groups. Each team aims to produce a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM), Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), Competency-Based Learning Materials (CBLM) and Session Plan based on their assigned Unit of Competency (UC). All groups presented their outputs on October 13 and 15.
The trainees underwent a review regarding contact tracing and Barangay Health Services NC II. They discussed various lessons such as composition of a contact tracing team, steps on contact tracing, the Data Privacy Act of 2012, among others.
A total of twenty-one (21) graduates of TESDA IV-A (CALABARZON) have completed their training on Barangay Health Services NC II with Contact Tracing on October 16, 2020 via Zoom Video Conferencing.